Where posting isn't just a villaige in England.

Oh Well

I guess you can see now, there's a pattern going on here.
3 months without posts (exaggerated), and then I come back and say "I promise I'll post more".

Not sure what that says about my character. You can probably guess that either I'm too busy, or I'm just procrastinating. Its a bit of both, but then again, when is it not?

I have been missing a number of days lately. Not because I want to, but my stomach has been very queasy in the mornings lately. I have night school I can attend, but that is a victim of my procrastinate lazy self as well.

This time though, I forgot my wallet. I didn't want to chance walking all the way to school on an uneasy stomach, so I'll attempt night school again.

A quick update on my life:

Becca is in east texas, summer home. She'll be there for a week with no phone or internet.
I already miss the hell out of her. I gotta admit, I was a bit nonchalant about the whole thing, which probably made her feel bad. But now that I've actually gone a few days without her, I really am feeling the loneliness. I really have grown very attached to her.

For the past month, I've been designing a world map for a Byond game developer. Its quite fun really. On the side, I moderate the forums, as usual. Not a whole lot of activity there, we really do need more posters, to keep the site alive for v 2.0. Who knows when its coming, I'm not even going to give an estimate, due to lack of tangible evidence as oof late.

I joined a group on deviantart, for writers. Its called Litgeist. Check it out if you want.

Joshua "Jacksterson" Elmendorf
OnFPS Head Writer/Forum Administrator

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