Where posting isn't just a villaige in England.

College Days of My Life

Well, technically, I'm not IN college. Actually, technically I'm in a colllege, but I'm not IN college. ...

Well, anyways, I'm well on my way to college, nonetheless. I'm eagerly awaiting the counselor that'll schedule the rest of my year here at my new school (which happens to be a college). More news as it happens. I promise my next posts won't be as short as this :P

Joshua "Jacksterson" Elmendorf

Oh wow.

It sure has been awhile.
I promised myself I wouldn't forget about my blog, but I did...

As usual, a lot has happened since my last post.  Nothing much that I care to share now.  Funny, I just noticed that almost all my blogs were posted really late at night and early in the morning.  Probably because everything is racing in my mind around that time, if I'm not asleep that is.

College is just around the corner, I have orientation next Friday, and on Tuesday I'm going back to the store with my grandma to exchange the clothes she got me for x-mas.  None of them fit, its a shame, they were ...  new.  To say the least.  Bless her though, its the thought that counts though, right?  

She tried so hard, asking me details about what kind of clothes and such, and in the end she got it all completely wrong.  Haha, but its all good though.  I love her, she really does try though, doesn't she?

I feel as though my creativity is slowly seeping its way back into the seedling stage into my mind.  I can feel the urge to write coming back to me, and let me tell you.  After so long without 'umpfh' in my head, its a blissful feeling.  Nostalgia has been running rampant with me for quite a while now, and that also, is very blissful.  

Things are going great with my girlfriend.  We're already six months strong, and June feels just around the corner!  It really is though, I mean, if you think about it.  The next six months are going to go by so fast, I just know it.  If you're reading this babe, I just want to say that I love you!

Alright, I'm out, as per usual, I'm extremely tired.

Joshua "Jacksterson" Elmendorf

Oh, and Ela-Raine Elmendorf
Such an elegant name, doncha think?